It is true that life begins after college and while easy to digest, entering adult life can be difficult for everyone, especially when you came in unprepared. Competitions for a job position are so much more challenging than getting the highest score for that academic exam. In fact, you might be shocked to know that what you are up against are millions of fresh graduates like you.

Here’s a guide on how you can easily come and nab that job application!

Confidence is Key

Confidence is key

It’s all about how you project yourself. There are times when skills are just secondary as companies tend to hire applicants that appear to look like they can be of benefit to them. Remember, first impression last. Earn it with a smile and an attitude filled with determination.

Lay out presentable profile

Lay out a presentable profile

Every company has their own requirements for all its job positions. Although HR staffs tend to accept those with a more extensive professional background, fresh graduates with none at all can still have an advantage. Dig up your experiences from school. Have you won awards/ honors? What student organizations have you been part of? How about volunteer work? How participative are you on campus? These small things largely contribute to your profile. Add to that, a neatly put together resume to cap it off, and you’re good to go!

Freshen up

It is certainly not advisable to come in your job interviews if you don’t look presentable. Respect their office space and dress up as if you’re qualified to be part of the team. Clean up and suit yourself with a comfortable get-up.

Be humble

Be humble

We already set that confidence is key, but do not overdo it. People tend to impress HR staffs on how they are the best, but you have to realize that as a fresh graduate, you are part of the low in the industry. You just came out of school expecting you know everything when in fact you’re just at that stage of practice. Learn to balance how you present yourself. Let everyone know you have a lot to learn, and that you’re hungry for knowledge!

Learn the team

Know the team

When applying for a position to your company, you must know three things: (1) the company’s history, (2) their culture, and (3) what do they expect for the job you are trying to get. Remember that job interviews aren’t all about learning who you are, but you to them as well.

Look for what’s best for you

Knowing the team will make you a better decision about which company can be the best option for you. You have to note that accepting a job offer will be a long commitment on your part. As a starter, compensation packages can be an indicator of your decision, but what’s important is if the company can be advantageous for your skills enhancement.

Which is why here at CitiGlobal, harnessing one’s skills is of utmost priority for all its employees. True to its tagline “Maaasahan. Mapagkakatiwalaan,”  Citi Global is fueled by the passion for excellence, innovative thinking, and most importantly, trustworthiness.

Jumpstart your career life and upgrade your skills with them, with positions that range from sales staff, accounting staff, design architect, purchasing staff, and more.

Send your CV to or contact 0905 408 5144. You may also go directly to CitiGlobal’s office located at Unit 1204 The One Executive Office Building West Avenue Quezon City.

Have any other questions in mind? Feel free to message us by clicking here. We would leave to hear from you.

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