This 2020, the impact of overpopulation in Metro Manila is greatly felt as the spread of Coronavirus in the nation’s capital continues to grow. In response to that, the government has been pushing its Balik Probinsya Program initiative to encourage the return of people to their hometown provinces.

But what does the Balik Probinsya Program entails? Better yet, how does living in the province compare to city living?

To answer your questions about this program and the prospect of living in the province, here’s a comprehensive article that shares the most important points you need to know about the Balik Probinsya Program, as well as some important details you need to know.

Balik Probinsya Program: A Remedy to Overpopulation in the Country’s Capital

Balik Probinsya Program: A Remedy to Overpopulation in the Country’s Capital

Manila, the capital of the Philippines is regarded as one of the most overpopulated places in the world. This 2020, Manila’s population is estimated at 13,923,452.

According to the 2019 City Mayors Statistics which is a source for urban statistics in the world, Manila ranks on the 15th place in the list of the Top 50 Most Densely Populated Cities in the World with a population density of 27,307 per square mile.

Through Executive Order no. 114 or The Balik Probinsya Program, President Duterte aims to address the problem with congestion in certain areas in Metro Manila. The program encourages people to return to their provinces. 

To give you a better perspective of this Executive Order, here are some of the bits of important information that you should know about the Balik Probinsya Program.

Important Facts to Know About the Balik Probinsya Program

  1. The Balik Probinsya Program aims to boost countryside development.
  2. It is focused on addressing problems with congestion in urban areas.
  3. It prioritizes the informal settlers and provides support and incentives for them including transportation, livelihood, housing, education, cash assistance, and more.

Countryside Development through the Balik Probinsya Program

While the Balik Probinsya Program initially aims to decongest Metro Manila, it brings a host of benefits for rural areas, too.

The program includes three phases of intervention, classified as immediate, mediate, and long-term.

During the immediate phase addresses the needs of those who are returning to their provinces by providing cash incentives and livelihood opportunities.

Meanwhile on the mediate phase, beneficiaries of the Balik Probinsya Program will be assured of decent jobs, house and lot, and health and education services.

Lastly, during the long-term phase, urban development will be introduced to the provinces of the program’s beneficiaries. In the next 5 to 10 years, economic zones will be developed in the countryside, urban centres will be created, tax and power incentives will be centralized and employment will be provided.

Making the Choice between Urban and Rural Living

The Balik Probinsya Program has left people with the choice between continuing life in the city or exploring the opportunities in living in the province.

While a lot of our kababayans have long dreamt of urban migration to realize their Manila dream, this is the best time to reconsider options.

Whether you are qualified as a beneficiary of the Balik Probinsya program or an ordinary citizen looking into the prospect of rural living, here are some of the reasons that will convince you to start a life in the province.

8 Reasons to Embrace Life in the Province

8 Reasons to Embrace Life in the Province

1. Enjoy Lower Cost of Living

Life in the country’s capital comes with a high price. Sure, there are lots of exciting things to experience and explore but that would also mean huge expenses.

On the other hand, moving to the province would greatly reduce your expenses with lower cost of rental, transportation, food, and other things. Best of all, even if you’ll be cutting on costs, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be settling for lower quality.

2. Avail Cheaper Housing Costs

Avail Cheaper Housing Costs

As rental costs are lower in the province the cost of a house and lot is cheaper, too. Much more, there are already lots of real estate developers who have already started developments in the rural area. For example, whether you are looking for a condotel or a beachfront property in Palawan, it would be easy to spot a good one without having to shoulder the burden of expensive costs. You could even find real estate properties with similar amenities as those in Manila but are offered at a lower price.

3. Take Advantage of Affordable yet Quality Education 

Are you thinking of moving to the province with your children? You need not worry about their education as there are a lot of good schools in the province. A lot of board exam topnotchers also came from Universities in rural areas. Moreover, a lot of well-known universities in Metro Manila have branches or affiliates in the province. provincial branches and affiliate partners. You might even be surprised to know the huge difference in the tuition fees of popular universities in Manila as compared to their counterparts in the province.

4. Find Work opportunities 

Find Work opportunities

As previously mentioned, the Balik Probinsya program is set to open opportunities in rural areas. For sure, once you settle in the province, it won’t take long for you to be employed and even get a good pay. Furthermore, as multinational companies occupying hectares of land in many provincial areas, job opportunities are also opened for various positions..

5. Start Living a Healthier Life

Compared with the densely populated Metro Manila, you can find more breathing space in the province. There, the air to breathe in is less polluted. There’s also more greenery to delight your senses. You will even have less worries about noise pollution. You can relax in your own backyard and just enjoy the privilege of a serene lifestyle because of a less chaotic environment.

6. Experience Less Hassle and Stress Related to Traffic

Experience Less Hassle and Stress Related to Traffic

The traffic situation in Metro Manila only worsens with time. This is one of the perks of living in the province that you will surely appreciate. Although, there are emerging cities that also experience traffic on certain hours, it is something that you can leave with as it is nothing compared to congestion in the city.


According to Tom Tom Traffic Index 2019, Metro Manila ranks 2nd out of 416 cities in 57 countries with the worst traffic in the world. 

7. Find More Quality Time with Your Loved Ones

The somewhat slow moving life in the province has its perks, too. As people in rural areas are not preoccupied with a lot of activities (not to mention, they don’t have to spend hours in traffic!),they are able to find time to do the things they want and get to spend more quality time with their loved ones.

8. Stay Close to Nature

Stay Close to Nature

In the province, there are more opportunities to spend time outdoors and stay close to nature. Basically, you’ll be living close to natural attractions. You’ll get easy access to world-class tourist spots without having to spend hours in travel or allot a huge percentage of your vacation money to travel costs. In places like Palawan, you can even visit popular sites by simply roaming the city by foot or public transportation like tricycles and jeepneys.

ALSO READ: 40 Top Rated Tourist Spots to Visit in Palawan

The government’s Balik Probinsya Program is an initiative that supports equity in resources and opportunities for those who live in Metro Manila as well those in the province. It is one way to decongest the city while bringing other rural areas to life.

Life in the province is not a downgrade. In fact, it can even be a way to boost your quality of life and enjoy the perks that come with it!

Do you have plans to settle in the province? Choose a trusted real estate developer in the Philippines in finding your home away from Metro Manila.


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