Dreams that are earned through good luck are rare to come by. For most people, the luck might not even arrive at all, leaving for many to really put an effort to reach it.

CitiGlobal’s Sales Leader Rose has two goals for her career: one, to satisfy her dream to become a successful person in her industry, and two, the chance to be better skill-wise. She always knew to herself that these goals cannot be grabbed in an instant, she will instead work for it.

Rose joined the competitive world of sales because she knew she will have a chance to grow if she is willing to. Her potential isn’t dictated by no one other than herself, and this reason alone gave her the courage that if a person believes in her own self, there will always be larger room for development.

But believing in yourself should also amount to actual action. Rose participated in the ranks, starting from the bottom and eventually, as a Sales Leader for her department. While this is largely an individual effort, Rose could have never achieved it with the support of her company.

CitiGlobal has always been watchful for their employees, and like Rose, the company sees all of its employees with potential. There is no person with barely any potential, and everyone has that opportunity for growth, all it takes are intense passion and grit to achieve it.

Rose agrees with CitiGlobal’s mantra that there are 6,000 ways to achieve something. Nothing’s impossible if you believe anything’s possible and if you are willing to innovate.

A person’s growth is a result of mistakes and wins. The question now, are you determined to grow? Like Rose, CitiGlobal is offering you the chance to climb up the ranks.

E-mail your resume to us at hr@citiglobal.com.ph to join our growing family here at CitiGlobal!

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