The pandemic has brought a lot of changes in the way people live. Aside from the health and safety protocols that are being implemented to control infection, a lot of people have resorted to activities to make their homes more comfortable to live in while in quarantine. From 2020 to 2021, you must have heard of the rise of “plantitas” and “home buddies and the success stories that tell how they have made huge transformations in their homes on their own.


If you are living in a condominium and haven’t done any improvement by now, it’s not yet too late to join the trend. Here are some of the basic condo renovation tips so you can transform your condo unit like a pro and avoid unnecessary hassles at the same time.


7 Condo Renovation Tips to Improve Your Space 


1. Review the Policies

Unlike individual houses and lots, condo unit owners need to abide by the rules implemented by the management especially when planning a renovation. Make sure that before you take a step concerning your renovation plans, you have already consulted the building’s admin.

Some of the common restrictions that you may encounter may involve the following:

  • Material selection
  • Design limitations
  • Allowed schedule
  • Authorized persons to work
  • Delivery of materials
  • Acquisition of permits

These restrictions are commonly in place to ensure that your design decisions will not negatively impact your unit and the entire condominium as well. The quality of materials must be within standards for design and safety purposes. The activities involving your renovations should also be within the allowed schedule to ensure minimal disturbance to other occupants of the building.


2. Develop a Plan

Whatever the size of your condo unit is, it is important to develop a plan so you’ll be guided with the process and keep your end goal in sight.

Remember that while the pandemic is not yet over, construction restrictions and logistics difficulties may be put in place. It would be best to tackle the renovation per area based on your priorities. This way, unexpected delays will be prevented or minimized and your budget will be in check too.


3. Know Your Limits

Not all condo renovation tasks are the same. There are those that you can execute on your own but there may also be more complicated tasks that will require the help of professionals such as designers, electricians, and construction workers.

If your plans include something that is sensitive and those that will require special tools, do not doubt hiring professionals to ensure that your plans will materialize. This will prevent you from wasting your effort, money, and time.


4. Stick to the Purpose

What is the reason for the condo renovation? Do you plan to move in permanently or are you prepping it for leasing purposes?

If you are renovating your condo for personal and long-term use, you’d want your design preferences to be strictly followed. However, if you are planning to have your condo unit rented out, it would be better to stick with basic renovation like repairs and paint jobs. Take note that other people will be living in your place and they may have their own design preferences. After the lease contract expires, you may need to renovate your condo again so it won’t be practical to go all out if you won’t be the one to occupy the unit after the condo renovation is done.


5. Determine Your Budget

Speaking of budget, this is also an essential factor that you should determine before any renovation works start.

Your budget for condo renovation should include:

  • Construction materials
  • Furniture and decor
  • Labor fees (for tasks that require skilled labor)
  • At least 10% for unexpected costs


6. Focus on Building Up

Most condominium units, especially from trusted real estate developers, will require minor renovations. You can avoid the unnecessary if you will focus on building up instead of tearing down. 

Take note of what can be repaired or those that may only need reinforcements for your design ideas to materialize. Even basic condo repairs can already make a huge difference. This will help you save on time, costs, and effort without necessarily moving away from your original plan.


7. Make the Most of the Existing Fixtures

As much as possible, make the most of what’s available in your space. Eliminate relocation of fixtures as this could be a reason for your expenses to go up and for the completion of the renovation to be delayed.

Choose elements that can match your current setup. Be creative and explore your options. A good repaint job using a color that matches your theme could already bring amazing improvements. The right choice of lighting and decorations could create an enormous impact too.


ALSO READ: How to Start a Condo Rental Business in the Philippines


Condo renovation comes with certain limitations and you must abide by the existing policies to prevent problems afterward. Although restrictions are in place, it is still possible to complete a condo renovation project whether on your own or with the help of professionals. Keep in mind the condo renovation tips mentioned above and the process should be smooth and easy for you.


Looking for a condo unit near the Metro? CitiGlobal has real estate development projects in Tagaytay through its master planned communities: Tagaytay Fontaine Villas and Tagaytay Clifton Resort Suites. Buy a condominium in Tagaytay so you can enjoy having a home in one of the most sought-after residential locations in the Philippines.


Send us a message to check out our real estate development projects or inquire about our future developments in Palawan.



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