If you’re looking for a steady profession that can boost your entrepreneurial drive forward, then a job in the Real Estate industry is the perfect career path for you. Real Estate is one of the most thriving industries in the Philippines. And with the market growing bigger and the industry looking to hire, this is definitely a chance worth taking. 

Curious as to what opportunity lies ahead? Here are some reasons why a career in Real Estate can suit your dream in life, including videos of successful real estate professionals sharing their stories.

3 Reasons to Start a Career in the Real Estate Industry


1. Earn a Steady Income with Commissions on the Side 

Ever wonder how successful real estate workers become so financially successful? Simple. Aside from being paid a stable income from their companies, they also get commissions from every deal they make. For their stable monthly income, real estate agents and brokers only receive the lower end of a 5-digit salary. However, if you become an agent or a broker, you are entitled to percentages from commissions. Real estate agents’ rates go up to 3 percent while brokers get as high a 6 percent. Depending on the sale you make, you can earn up to 7 digits in commission! And if it seems too good to be true, here is the story of a Real Estate Marketer who found financial success despite the challenges he faced.

2. Perfect for Building Connections

The Real Estate Industry is all about people. You will always meet and connect with people in whatever venture you take here. Part of selling properties is understanding what people want and help them find their perfect homes. With this job, you need to bond and earn the trust of your client that you will only show them the best of what they need. You also get to work with incredible colleagues and developers who need your charm and social skills on their team. Here is the story of a Real Estate Team Leader who looked for opportunities in real estate and made her way to the top despite being new to the city.

3. Anyone Can Be Part of Real Estate

Just because success can be easily found in this industry doesn’t mean that it’s an industry for the elite. No matter what struggles and pain you’ve faced, you can make your way in real estate if you work hard enough and strive for it. Whether you’ve finished college or not, you can find your success here in this industry. With proper training, motivation, perseverance, and the will to always push forward, you could have a bright future here. If you’ve got the right people skills and the right attitude, then you’ve got what it takes to be a part of the Real Estate Industry. If you need some encouragement, be inspired by the story of this determined Real Estate Marketing Partner who went through rough times and found personal growth.

You don’t need to settle for work that won’t get you to your goal in life. Opportunities like those in the Real Estate Industry can show you just how far life can take you with the right attitude and hard work. And if you’re ready for a career shift to this top rating industry, then don’t be afraid to take the leap.

ALSO READ: The Better Ultimate Guide to Real Estate Investments in the Philippines

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