Traveling can be one of the best times of your life, or it can be one of the worst times of your life depending on what you do while travelling.

Here’s a guide of what to do and what to not do when travelling!

Photocopy your passport. Carrying around a copy of your passport (the page with your pjot and other important information) is a must when traveling abroad, just in case your passport is damaged or lost.

Only carry as much cash as needed. If using traveler checks, give the larger amount to a chaperone for safe keeping.

Don’t keep all your money in one place. Put some in your wallet. Put some in a front pocket. Put some in your socks or under your clothes somewhere.

Be respectful of local citizen’s privacy. Ask permission before entering sacred places, homes, or private land.

Be sensitive to when and where you take photos/video of people. Always ask first.

Respect the natural environment. Never touch or harass animals. Always follow designated trails. Support conservation by paying entrance fees to parks and protected sites.

Dress appropriately for a destination. Blending in with the locals makes you less of a target for those in search of obvious tourists.

Be alert of your surroundings. If anyone or thing looks suspicious, notify someone whose with you.

Don’t leave your bags unattended. Always keep an eye on your things, especially in crowded places.

Don’t talk politics. Not every country is a free country, and not every society is tolerant of free speech. Have fun but keep politics out of your discussions while on vacation.

Don’t spend too much time on your room! You may be jet-lagged, you may be homesick, but sitting around won’t help any of it. Get out there and have fun!

Don’t mock or poke fun of the culture and people around you. You are a guest and should remember to “treat people the way you want to be treated”.

Don’t take taxis! Taxis are where budgets go to die because they are always overpriced. Skip them and use public transportation.

Don’t drink too much. When being in a foreign country massive drinking could lead into problems. Take it easy and don’t drink too much otherwise you could be an easy target for criminals.

Don’t be careless. We all like to have fun but you should always keep your eyes open and be aware of your surroundings. It can be dangerous so make sure that you’re always in control and that you look after yourself!

Don’t forget to keep in touch with family and friends from home. Remember to let them know that you’re OK, send them a postcard, call them, or even just send a quick text!

Try new foods! Don’t be one of those travelers who is scared to eat new things. Try something new!

Have fun! Make the most of your experience by staying off your electronic devices. Soak in as much of your experience as you can.

Travel smart, travel safe!

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