Nothing compares to spending Christmas with your family in the Philippines than celebrating it in abroad. As much as we want to have a memorable holiday with them, circumstances and a lot of factors can sometimes come in our way as overseas workers. But there’s always a way to still make the most out of it.

Here are some ways you can still have a very merry Christmas despite being miles away from loved ones:

Group of Filipinos

Gather around with fellow Filipinos

One of the best ways to beat homesickness is to meet up with people who might be sharing the same problem as you are. For OFWs, communities are being created around the world as a way to help them feel like they belong somewhere. Don’t go celebrate Christmas alone, spend it with your fellow Filipinos. Have a Pinoy-style feast and reminisce each other’s fun memories.

Call Your Family and Friends

Call your family and friends

With the technology we have now, communication has never been more convenient. A real-time video call can be held as if you are with your family or friends back home. Although these visuals on-screen seem flat to you, they are a great window to pour out your love and messages to the special person you’re talking to.

Opening a Balikbayan Box

Give a present

It’s the season of giving. Give a present to the people you love. OFWs would often send balikbayan boxes filled with goodies, but long shipping time can sometimes not make the delivery in time for Christmas, and it is best to send it as early as months before December. This holiday is also a great time to donate to the people in need. Make them feel like they are part of a celebration.

Karaoke with friends

Treat yourself

Give yourself a nice pampering for the day. Go to a spa. Watch a movie you’ve been waiting for a long time. Eat at your favorite restaurant. Have a drink at a bar. Cheer yourself up! You deserve to treat yourself after hours and hours of hard work.

Or better yet, talk to us! We are always here to keep you in the company. Click the button below and let’s create more meaningful memories together!


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