Sales is a very competitive industry. Here, you will be meeting people who might be competitive or more skilled as you are. But know that every person from this field started from the low, and it has always been up to the person whether or not he will drive himself to become better than what he/ she is today.

There is no specific formula for success but there are principles that must be always obeyed. Here are some of them:

Know your market

Research is important. In fact, it is essential. Know the pulse of the people you are selling. Know where they are coming from, from their respective demographics (age, location, etc.) up to psychographics (needs, wants, etc.). From here, it will be easier for you to determine what tactics you will be needing to create an impression to your prospect.

Be empathetic

Knowing their pulse also involves you empathizing with their own emotion. They have to know that you care for them, and you understand how they feel over something.

Refrain from emotion

On the other side of things, refrain from emotion in some cases. For instance, a client got angry about a service they did not appreciate. Don’t exchange emotion with emotion for this. Respect will always be the most effective key to win their hearts. In events like these, be calm. Let them know that you’re listening. Never trade temporary rants with potential repercussions on your profile.

Practice! Practice! Practice!

We all came from the start. If you feel you’re not effective enough, exert more effort. Let experiences be the basis of your everyday practice in selling. You might not notice how improved you are once you stay to continue this.

While all of these are essential, you need a company that will support you all the way to improve. CitiGlobal offers the necessary training you need from being amateurish to an expert in sales. Join our team as a sales staff. If you feel you need a bigger challenge, try as a land agent in our Land Acquisition department. There are diverse positions to choose from.

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