Filipinos love holiday celebrations. The weeks leading to Christmas and the New Year are usually the busiest, as most people have parties to attend. And while there are big celebrations being organized, there are also those that are exclusive for families and friends–including the parties that are held at home. If you are a condo unit owner, you can organize one, too! However, you should not overlook the things that can contribute to a worry-free condo party.

Ready to start the festivities in your home? Here are some of the basic tips to take note of so you can play host to your intimate circles and have a fun and worry-free condo party.


How to Host a Fun and Worry-Free Condo Party


1. Keep your guest list short.

A basic consideration is to keep your condo from getting too crowded. This will make it easier for you to control the noise and ensure that other condo unit owners will not be disturbed. Aside from that, this is a health and safety consideration too. The pandemic is not yet over. Some of your guests may not be comfortable being in a crowded room.


2. Know the rules.

Keep in mind that you live in a condominium and that you are governed by rules implemented by the management. To ensure that you won’t be violating any, inform the hotel administrators of your plan to host a condo party. You may need to provide information such as the date and time, and the number of guests. Some may require a list of guests to prevent gate crashers or unauthorized people from entering the property.


3. Consider your neighbors.

Unlike single-detached or gated homes, you must be mindful of other condo unit owners who are on the same floor. Show courtesy, especially to neighbors next door. Inform them about your condo party so that they may expect to see new faces and know that there’ll be activities in your unit. This will also prevent you from being reported to the building administrators.


4. Create a sense of community.

Haven’t had the chance to befriend your neighbor? Your condo party could be a step in that direction.  You may invite your condo neighbors, especially those who live closest to your unit. Having a good relationship with your neighbors is always a good idea. It’s also one way to build your network. You’d appreciate getting help from people who are within your community. Who knows but you might be able to help them in some way too.


5. Be mindful of time.

You have to be conscious of time. Set when the party will start and when it is expected to end. This will ensure that curfew won’t be violated and any noise or unnecessary activities will already stop at a designated time. Aside from abiding by the rules, this is necessary for guests who have to work or must attend to other things the next day. It is also a show of respect to neighbors who had a full day at work and must rest.


6. Inform your guests.

Your guests should be informed about the condo rules. They should understand that it will be a condo party so there are certain considerations that everyone must follow. Inform them ahead of time. Aside from fixing their schedule, they would be able to set their expectations and still have the most fun.


7. Have fun!

Intimate celebrations are special. A condo party may set some limitations but you can still have fun. Rearrange your furniture, assign a designated room or space for the activities, grab party foods, and plan activities. You may deal with limited time and space but with proper preparation, everything could go well and your guests can experience a memorable condo party.


ALSO READ: Condo Maintenance Tips for a Hassle-Free Living


Having a condo party this holiday season offers another option to celebrate with friends, families, and the people you love. While there are certain condominium rules and regulations that must be followed, it boils down to respect, mindfulness, and discipline to avoid causing conflicts in your community. 


Most condominiums in the Philippines have already evolved to meet the current lifestyles of families. Know your responsibilities as a condo unit owner and be a gracious party host not only to your guests but also to your neighbors as well.


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