Palawan is a traveler’s haven. It is a destination that will fulfill your nature adventure or beach vacation dreams. Not to mention, the island is a beauty to behold. It has been consistent in making it to the list of the best islands in the world.


But that’s not all you need to know. Palawan is also a great destination for every foodie. From exotic foods for the daredevils to yummy local treats, you’ll find several Palawan delicacies that can make your trip more worthwhile!


6 Palawan Delicacies for All Types of Foodie


1. Tamilok


Topping the list is a popular exotic food from Palawan. Tamilok is one of the most popular Palawan delicacies. Also known as woodworm, tamilok is a type of mollusk harvested from mangrove trees. It has a long, soft and flabby body. Its taste also resembles that of an oyster.

2. Crocodile Meat


Another exotic food suited for daredevils is crocodile meat. This type of meat is popular on the island as crocodiles thrive in this destination. Its taste is similar to chicken and has a firm texture. It is rich in protein and low in fat. One of the most popular crocodile dishes in Palawan is crocodile sisig which is a healthier version of the typical pork sisig. Other types of dishes that use crocodile meat include tapa, sausages, and Bicol express. 


Did you know:


People in Balabac, the southernmost town in Palawan, are known to coexist with crocodiles as half of the existing known population of saltwater crocodiles in the island can be found in this town.


3. Nido Soup


Known as a pricey Palawan delicacy, the Nido soup is made of edible bird’s nests. The main ingredient for this native dish is taken from the dried saliva of the balinsasayaw or swiftlets which are species of birds that inhabit the limestone cliffs of El Nido and other islands in Palawan.


Did you know:


Nido soup is recognized in traditional Chinese medicine as it contains many nutritional and medicinal benefits.


4. Chao Long Noodles


Do you love authentic Vietnamese cuisine? You can satisfy your cravings when in Palawan! Vietnam has a great influence on Puerto Princesa’s cuisine as Vietnamese refugees who stayed in a Palawan camp after escaping the Vietnam War introduced their culture by sharing their recipes and cooking styles.


Chao long noodles is a local version of pho and served with rice noodles, meat, bean sprouts, mint or basil leaves and calamansi in a sweet and rich broth. It is very affordable, deliciously filling, and suits the Filipino taste. 


5. Seafood


As an island destination, you can find a wide variety of affordable, fresh and tasty seafood in Palawan. Aside from the usual seafood, lato seaweed is one of the most popular Palawan delicacies. Also called sea grapes or green caviar, lato has a soft and succulent texture. It makes a perfect match to any fried dish, especially when served with salt or vinegar.


 Did you know:


While lato is common in the Philippines and other Asian countries, the best quality comes from Cuyo, Palawan. 


6. Nougat


Nougat is a type of dessert that is primarily made with natural products from the island such as  Palawan nougat, wild honey and whole cashew nuts. If you are looking for Palawan delicacies that’s also an authentic treat for anyone with a sweet tooth, this local delicacy is a must-try. 


Looking for Pasalubong?


Most travelers look for treats that they can take home and give to their families and friends. If you are looking for a pasalubong, you can find a wide selection of Palawan delicacies that will give your loved ones a ‘taste’ of Palawan. Some of the most popular take-home treats for tourists include cashews, ube hopia, tuyo pastillas, and a range of Baker’s Hill pastries.


ALSO READ: REIT Investment in the Philippines: The Facts You Need to Know 


Palawan delicacies is a combination of different cuisines to delight your gastronomic buds. Your choice is limitless and you can even experiment with new meals that can contribute to making your trip a fulfilling experience.


As the people, culture, sceneries and even Palawan delicacies contribute to a unique experience, a lot of people have chosen Palawan to be their home.


If you are dreaming of finding a place that you can call your home on the island, CitiGlobal offers prime beachfront properties in Palawan so you can find a condotel where you can relax, enjoy and continue your gastronomic and travel adventures. Diamond Beach Residences is a world-class leisure property that aims to give hard-working Filipinos a chance to own a home that may also serve as an income-generating investment.


Take a look at our future locations through this video.



Enjoy a combination of rural and urban lifestyles at Diamond Beach Residences. Acquire your condo unit in Palawan today!


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