The idea of having your first property investment may come with mixed emotions. It may bring excitement as it would mark the realization of a dream. But, it could also come with anxiety or hesitation especially when you’re not sure if you’re prepared for the responsibilities that come with it. 


When is the perfect time to make the big decision to buy your first property? If you have doubts about your readiness, this article shares some of the signs that tell you’re ready for property investment. 


6 Important Signs to Pursue Your First Property Investment

1. You have already established a savings habit.

Having a strong commitment to saving a portion of your earnings is an encouraging sign that you can handle the responsibilities of buying your first property investment. With money saved regularly, it would be easier for you to survive uncertainties and live a quality life. Your savings could spare you from problems whenever you encounter a rough patch in life. The capacity to save is an important factor that you should master to swiftly go through the responsibilities of property ownership.


2. You are financially prepared.

Buying a property comes with huge expenses. Although you can find real estate developers that offer low upfront costs, you have to make sure that you can provide the required deposit for a property. Usually, buyers must be able to prepare 15 to 20 percent of the total price to secure a property. Aside from the deposit, you should also prepare for additional costs such as assessment fees, taxes, and stamp duties. Know the required payments and assess if you can prepare the amount to pursue your property investment. You may also consider looking for properties that match the amount that you are capable of paying.


3. You have a stable job.

A permanent and dependable job can spare you from financial difficulties even with the payments for your first property investment. The goal is to ensure that you will be able to continuously pay and still live a comfortable life. Aside from the financial support that a steady and regular job ensures, your employment status also matters in case you’ll need to apply for a home loan.


4. You can manage your debts.

While it is ideal to be free of debt when purchasing your first real estate property, being able to manage your debts is still a good sign that you’re ready to invest in real estate. Debts could eat up your income, especially those with high-interest rates if you’ll fail to be on top of your bills. Keep debts from piling up. Make sure that your debts are paid as scheduled and make it your goal to be debt-free. Tackle them one by one before you embark on your first property investment.


5. You are willing to make sacrifices.

When you buy your first property, you may need to slow down to make some adjustments to your finances. Your financial obligations would be bigger and there’ll be other expenses that you need to save for. This may include the furnishings and improvements that could make your home more livable. Unless your earnings can suffice for the changes in your expenses, you must be willing to make some sacrifices. Don’t overspend and avoid unnecessary expenses. Know your priorities to ensure that your adjustments would be in line with your goals in life.


6. You’re open to living in a new location.

One of the major changes that come with buying a property, particularly a home, is settling in a new location. Some people may find it difficult to leave a place that they have considered their home for a long time. Buying a new property that you intend to live in would mean dealing with new neighbors and familiarizing yourself with a new community. To make the transition easier, it would be best to find a real estate development property that can provide the same level of security, comfort, and convenience as your previous neighborhood.


ALSO READ: 7 Red Flags You Should Not Miss When Buying a Home


The Bottomline

Your first property investment may come with risks and sacrifices and your readiness will be a key factor in making it a positive experience. Assess yourself and take into consideration some of the signs that tell you that you’re ready to buy your first property.

Think you’re ready for your first property investment? Talk to us.

Find investment opportunities in Tagaytay through CitiGlobal. Check out buildings 1, 2, and 3 of  Tagaytay Clifton Resort Suites here.

CitiGlobal has real estate projects in some of the country’s most sought-after locations. Find house and lots, and condominiums in Tagaytay that are set in a master planned community. You can also choose prime beachfront properties in Palawan through the Diamond Beach Residences. Our locations intend to make property ownership an easy decision even for inexperienced real estate investors.


Let us guide you through your journey as a first-time property buyer.

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