Every office is a complicated environment, largely because you get to meet and interact with people with different sets of personalities and beliefs. They come from different walks of life. Some are inherently irritating. Some are uniquely likable. Truly, nothing will prepare you as soon as you walk in this environment, but here’s a heads up on which people you will be likely to see there.

the quiet one employee illustration

The Quiet One

Quiet people don’t like conversing, or worse communicating at all. But they also have the potential to make the biggest surprises among their peers, solely on the reason that they never even try to stray away from discussion during the work process, allowing outputs to be the judgment for them. People can easily associate them as introverts, which mostly shine the brightest when given the chance to flourish externally.

Coffee Enthusiast employee illustration

The Coffee Enthusiast

Coffee people are either two things: razor-sharp thinkers or deadbeat, tired and wakeful. You can spot them hanging around the cafeteria like zombies craving for coffee, or enter the office with a cup of coffee (or more!) on their hand. They also tend to be nervous all the time, given the effects of caffeine. But one thing’s for sure, they are so not like the next type of people on this list.

the sleepyhead employee illustration

The Sleepyhead

Sleepyheads are the personification of a ticking time bomb. They are highly likely to move on from their task and sleep right away. Hardly a role model, you should never attempt to be one of them. Condition yourself to be as lively and active in the workplace. We understand you missed your body clock, but trust the environment in order for it to trust you back.

the restroom gladiator employee illustration

The Restroom Gladiator

A restroom gladiator savors the bathroom as if it’s a hobby. Although breaks in between work as essential, they tend to abuse operating hours with mirror shots at the bathroom and avoid their current commitments. Be a gladiator of your work. Make the appropriate time for other activities.

the friend of all employee illustration

The Friend

“The Friend” is a friend of anyone. They love socializing with people from old to newly hired employees. Remember that an office job is a daily 4 to 8 hours commitment. Get the hang of it by allowing yourself to immerse in the new community, and not only to your own task. It helps in allowing yourself to be happy with what you are working on.

the wallflower employee illustration

The Wallflower

Like quiet people, they are the ones who were always on the background in all events. They secretly supervise processes but never gotten the chance to have a big break. For people under this, commonly with a rookie position, break your mold and make yourself stand out from the crowd. You will be surprised how your peers and bosses will remember you by, for the betterment of your profile.

multitasker employee illustration

The Multitasker

Multitasking is essential in every activity. Time is such a valuable thing that taking such an enormous load of seconds on one not-so-important thing can leave a domino-like repercussion on your activity or worse, quality. A multitasker cannot be a multitasker without the discipline or mastery of multitasking. You need the power to mindmap details and extensive time management.

the ideal employee illustration

The Ideal Employee

The ideal employee was able to be a master of all the essential lessons discussed here, including those that are not. But his job goes beyond his duty at the office, finding new ways to cultivate and hone his skills as well as conceptualize innovative methods to improve the company he is working for, even after work hours. The ideal employee is hard to come by because everyone’s had their flaws working in the office.

Luckily, there are companies like CitiGlobal Realty & Development, Inc. that are designed to train people to become one. Through different individual to group activities, they do not only provide employment but an opportunity to be better. Join the CitiGlobal family! Apply now at hr@citiglobal.com.ph and break away from procedural and robotic work!

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