More and more travelers are choosing Airbnb as one of the top alternatives to hotels. While it offers more affordable accommodation to travelers, it also opens opportunities for owners of vacation homes, condo units, and beachfront properties to have another source of income.


However, if you think that it’s as simple as putting a listing up, that’s not exactly how it goes. It takes some work to make the most of Airbnb rental management.  If you want to know how you can turn your condo into Airbnb, here are some basic steps to get you started.


How to Turn Your Condo into an Airbnb


1. Know the Building Regulations

Turn your condo into an Airbnb without violating laws and regulations. If you are a condo unit owner, you have to verify with the administrator if you’re allowed to do Airbnb hosting. Secure the permits required and know the limitations that you need to follow.


2. Comply with Local Government Regulations

Depending on your location, there are business documents that you need to secure before you start your Airbnb hosting. It may include the following:

  • Mayor’s Permit
  • Barangay Clearance
  • Occupancy Permit
  • Sanitary Permit
  • Fire Safety Insurance Certificate
  • Building, plumbing, and electrical permit
  • Zoning Approval 
  • Locational Clearance


3. Repair and Restore

Before turning your condo into a rental property, the necessary repairs and restoration must be done. Aside from ensuring that it is structurally sound, consider some improvements too. Aesthetics is one factor that will increase Airbnb rentability

Repair and Restore


  • Paint – touch up walls and ceilings for both the interior and exterior parts of the property. It would be best to go with white and neutral tones to make your condo look more spacious. Repainting your condo unit will also create an impression that it is very well maintained.
  • Cleanup – even old properties will look nice if thoroughly cleaned. Get rid of the things that you are no longer using as they may only make your space look cluttered. Ensure that all parts of your condo unit are properly cleaned from fixtures to walls and flooring.


4. Check Plumbing and Electricity

It is important to ensure that you will turn your condo into an Airbnb while considering the comfort that it can offer to guests. Plumbing and electricity are some of the aspects that you should not overlook. They are essential and may affect a safe and comfortable stay.

  • Check for leaks or broken plumbing fixtures like faucets, showers, and bidets. Repair them as needed.
  • Ensure that electrical fixtures and furniture are all working as well. Your guests will be disappointed if they expect to have air-conditioned rooms or other furniture in your Airbnb only to find out that they are not working.
  • Fix electrical problems first. Damaged appliances or fixtures are safety hazards and would cause trouble for you and your guests.


5. Stock Up on Airbnb Essentials

Remember that Airbnb hosting is not just about providing accommodation for guests. You also have to ensure that they will be comfortable, happy, and satisfied throughout their stay. Aside from the basics such as clean towels, beddings, comfortable beds, and useful appliances, you should also stock up on essentials that can impact the quality of their stay.

Stock Up on Airbnb Essentials


  • Create a welcome tray. Serve them bottled water, coffee, paper towels, and even snacks. Freebies are welcome treats that guests will appreciate.
  • Provide bathroom supplies. It would be a plus if guests will no longer find the need to pack shampoo, soap, and lotion when traveling.
  • Ensure health and safety. Hand sanitizer and alcohol are now considered essentials. Make sure that these are available in your Airbnb.


6. Create a Good Listing

Your listing should create a good representation of your space. It should highlight features that would make it a suitable choice for travelers in search of Airbnb. Here are the essential details that you must include in your Airbnb listing :

  • Location
  • Number of bedrooms and baths
  • Amenities
  • Rates
  • Description 
  • Photos


7. Build Your Reputation

People looking for good accommodation are also particular about finding a good Airbnb host. Reputation building doesn’t happen overnight. You have to make a good impression and ensure a good experience for your guests. Consistency is also important to avoid bad reviews. Do your best to make guests feel comfortable and satisfied throughout their stay. Be helpful by offering recommendations, especially for travelers. 


ALSO READ: Basic Condo Renovation Tips that Will Transform Your Space Like a Pro


Airbnb hosting is one of the passive income opportunities that come with owning a condo unit. However, to maximize your earning potential, it is essential to choose the right property that is perfect for Airbnb or rentals. Find the right location and invest in a high-quality condominium to easily attract guests.


CitiGlobal, a trusted real estate developer in the Philippines offers world-class condominiums in prime locations, including the most sought-after tourist destinations in the country such as Tagaytay and Palawan. Send us a message today so we can help you find a condo that you can turn into an income-generating Airbnb.


Check out the recent updates on our master planned community in Tagaytay.



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