Office Christmas parties are usually misinterpreted by a lot of people as a mandatory excuse to please every employee during the holiday season. Complaints aside, they are essential to the core spirit of a company, regardless of what their respective values are. Here are some of the reasons why it needs to be there annually, and never pull it out of the calendar:

A tribute to the different accomplishments for the entire year

Recognize the hard work your staff and colleagues did over the past year and say Thank you with giving them a brilliant Christmas party.

It makes every employee feel important

Even for a couple of hours, every company needs a certain time to honor all of their employees. Awash them from their stress, and treat them with great rewards. Some companies often give awards to people who were able to reap remarkable results for the entire year, and others play games that allow them to win exciting prizes.

It helps in improving a  company’s culture

Hosting a great event like a Christmas party is a smart way to foster the right atmosphere, and can play a big part in ensuring that staff sees their job as more than just a career, and as a valuable component of their life.

It values team effort

Christmas parties are celebrated for not just one person, but the entire team. For big-scale companies, they are conducted per department, but it is a must that there’s a unified party for the entire company. The party values team effort that is crucial to operations. It allows an employee to interact with the person from the other department, and there is something beautiful on just witnessing all of them on one occasion.

Christmas party can be fun and memorable, depending on how the company values it. They can be an extravagant event or a very simple one. However, at the end of it all, it leads to one important thing: in celebrations like this, there are no real bosses and people under them. For a moment, everyone is equal, and they are honoring each other’s respective achievements

If a company can’t do that to you, a place that never really acknowledges one’s effort might not be suitable for you. Go to a company wherein achievements are overly recognized.

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